We are a physician-founded not-for-profit organization advocating for safety in the AI industry. The job of doctors is to promote human health and safety through rational analysis, decision-making, and action. In the case of the dangers posed by AI, the logic is clear and the expert opinion is abundant—there are unacceptable safety risks associated with the AI industry as it operates now, including the possible mass loss of human life. So, we are acting on this knowledge. 

Learn more about what we are doing and why by visiting the other pages of this website or watching our video materials on YouTube. We also post regular updates on Facebook. Here are our social media channels:

– YouTube: https://youtube.com/@aligntheworld

– Facebook: https://facebook.com/aligntheworld



Who we are

We are a non-profit organization founded by physicians concerned about the unacceptable risks posed by the current state of the AI industry.

Our mandate

1. To raise awareness about the potential dangers of AI systems.
2. To put pressure on governments and AI companies to regulate this industry responsibly.


“AI alignment” is a technical term used in AI development. It essentially means helping humans and not harming humans, or being “aligned” with human interests.


AI Safety Rally in Vancouver, Canada

Coming up on August 26th, 2023 at the Vancouver Art Gallery. Specific time and location to be determined. Please follow on Facebook for updates or check back here!

If you would like to host your own event advocating for AI safety, please reach out so that we can find a way to support you! 

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